Monday, December 31, 2007
pujangga 45 #2
sender: +62817685****
31-dec-2007 01:23:40
aku selalu dgr katamu...
bahkan emosimu...
walau aku hanya orang yg tersisih dr pagi,
namun aku cukup bahagia melewati 1000malam bersama senyummu..
smoga malam terulang..
sent to: +62817685****
31-dec-2007 01:35:18
ada senyum dimatanya saat mereka menyapa # ada bintang berpijar dimalamnya ketika mereka menghampiri # Pppssssttttt # it's one of those nites she treasures #
sender: +62817685****
31-dec-2007 01:43:59
aku tanya malaikat.. "apa Tuhan sayang aku..?" Dia sangat sayang padamu.. Apa buktinya Tuhan sayang aku.. Dia telah mengirimkan kamu seorang yg mbuatmu tersenyum
sent to: +62817685****
31-dec-2007 01:52:23
ketika tb saatnya saat pkataan'nya hnya sbatas kumpulan huruf2 tnpa makna # biar apa yang 'dia' lakukan u/ 'mereka' lbih bergema # biar tindakkan'nya' menjawab kbutuhan 'mereka'
sender: +62817685****
31-dec-2007 02:05:19
mataku mulai terpejam hingga cahaya itu bangunkanku
dia memang pantas memberiku cahaya
kalimatnya mulai mgoda hatiku
sentuhannya memanjaku
jangan Kau ambil senangku
31-dec-2007 01:23:40
aku selalu dgr katamu...
bahkan emosimu...
walau aku hanya orang yg tersisih dr pagi,
namun aku cukup bahagia melewati 1000malam bersama senyummu..
smoga malam terulang..
sent to: +62817685****
31-dec-2007 01:35:18
ada senyum dimatanya saat mereka menyapa # ada bintang berpijar dimalamnya ketika mereka menghampiri # Pppssssttttt # it's one of those nites she treasures #
sender: +62817685****
31-dec-2007 01:43:59
aku tanya malaikat.. "apa Tuhan sayang aku..?" Dia sangat sayang padamu.. Apa buktinya Tuhan sayang aku.. Dia telah mengirimkan kamu seorang yg mbuatmu tersenyum
sent to: +62817685****
31-dec-2007 01:52:23
ketika tb saatnya saat pkataan'nya hnya sbatas kumpulan huruf2 tnpa makna # biar apa yang 'dia' lakukan u/ 'mereka' lbih bergema # biar tindakkan'nya' menjawab kbutuhan 'mereka'
sender: +62817685****
31-dec-2007 02:05:19
mataku mulai terpejam hingga cahaya itu bangunkanku
dia memang pantas memberiku cahaya
kalimatnya mulai mgoda hatiku
sentuhannya memanjaku
jangan Kau ambil senangku
pujangga 45
sender: +6281768*****
30-dec-2007 09:40:05
Aku mati kak...
Dia mengambil senyum t'akhir hidupku
Satu persatu tangis menjengukku...
Sembahmu kini tak b'arti lg..
P'lahan ku hentikan jalanku m'cari kesenangan
sender : +6281768*****
30-dec-2007 23:07:53
Koma,aku mulai tertarik dgn siang...
akan aku langkahi malam2 bising tanpa suara...
Titik, aku akan hidup untuk melihat laut biru..
ya, semangatku sangat besar..
dendam kepada pagi yang segar, sore yg ramai..
dimana bisik itu berasal?
mungkin TUhan telah menyentuhku..
membelaiku dengan sayanNYA..
sent to: +6281768*****
31-dec-2007 01:05:27
Bisakah kupegang kata2mu? # bolehkah kutagih janji2mu? # aku pegang kata2ku # dan kau selalu boleh tagih janji2ku#
30-dec-2007 09:40:05
Aku mati kak...
Dia mengambil senyum t'akhir hidupku
Satu persatu tangis menjengukku...
Sembahmu kini tak b'arti lg..
P'lahan ku hentikan jalanku m'cari kesenangan
sender : +6281768*****
30-dec-2007 23:07:53
Koma,aku mulai tertarik dgn siang...
akan aku langkahi malam2 bising tanpa suara...
Titik, aku akan hidup untuk melihat laut biru..
ya, semangatku sangat besar..
dendam kepada pagi yang segar, sore yg ramai..
dimana bisik itu berasal?
mungkin TUhan telah menyentuhku..
membelaiku dengan sayanNYA..
sent to: +6281768*****
31-dec-2007 01:05:27
Bisakah kupegang kata2mu? # bolehkah kutagih janji2mu? # aku pegang kata2ku # dan kau selalu boleh tagih janji2ku#
Friday, December 28, 2007
cross present tonite
there will be a cross present (kata reni seh ini bahasa inggrisny tukeran kado). i'll take the pic of my present n i'll post it...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
in my head lately
i've been thinking about this lately:
*it's so easy for me to feel related with someone*
mungkin krna g yg lagi melarikan diri dari komunitas yg bikin g mudah pcaya ma strangers. feel like it is totally safe to pour things out coz this stranger has nothing to do with the old times, coz this stranger may not be able to judge me from the unrepairable things i've made.
smpai sore tadi, g masih brasa ga belong ma komunitas yg dulu g sayang n adore so much. 6 bulan djakarta masih ga cukup buat g feel like i'm home. mreka yg dulu jadi tmpat naro cerita jadi orang2 yang sekarang g hindarin. kata2 nandis yg dl g pegang sering jadi kumpulan kata2 yang g acuhin. janji2 yg g buat ma nandis, stella, yuni, ayung, n diri g sendiri banyakkali jadi janji2 basi yg sering ga kerealisasi.
apa ini yg bikin g nyaman ngabisin puluhan menit cuma u/ ngobrol with a stranger dibanding ngabisin bebrapa waktu ma mereka yg dulu bareng mereka g suka bgadang nyusurin jalan2 jakarta hunting makanan?
apa ini yang jadi alesan sempurna knapa g lebih suka dial ke nomor yang hnya baru g knal sebulanan ini dibanding men'dial nomor mereka yang g apal diluar kpala??
apa ini knapa g lebih milih u/ pour n share things with a stranger--a stranger who now i feel like someone i really know n care--dibanding ma mereka yg pendapat n isi hatinya g cari??
ga nyamannya g dengan komunitaskah yang bikin g ignore fakta bahwa nDuT lagi dijakarta, n bahkan g ga niat nawarin waktu u/ skedar ktemu bentar??
ignore fakta gimana belasan malem dia nemenin nongkrong dipinggir senggigi cuma untuk ngopi ngemie n ngbrol ga jelas mpe subuh2??
ini pcakapan via sms 2 days b4 christmas:
nDuT: nast, g dah dijakarta.
g : *stlah 2jam'an* welcome to the crowded jakarta ya!!
nDuT: nast, r u okey?
g : iya'lah, mang np?
nDuT: gak np2
g : once again, welcome to jakarta!
nDuT: gt y
that's it, i didnt n dont even want to reply or do anything with the fact that he is here, in the same geographical location with me. just dont feel comfort n eager to do so.
sorry guys, i'm sorry, i just dont feel like spending times with u.
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry *taken from Fergie's*
it may just be a pseudo thing, i know. i know that it may not last. i know that it may be pathetic to feel this way.
or, it may not?? or is it just an escape from reality like i used to say...
tapi, kalo g mau reality g Je, it means that i'm escaping from You, Je. n i dont want to escape from You. i still want to be found in You, Je...
the point is, aku masih mau ditemukan dalamMU, Je.
*it's so easy for me to feel related with someone*
mungkin krna g yg lagi melarikan diri dari komunitas yg bikin g mudah pcaya ma strangers. feel like it is totally safe to pour things out coz this stranger has nothing to do with the old times, coz this stranger may not be able to judge me from the unrepairable things i've made.
smpai sore tadi, g masih brasa ga belong ma komunitas yg dulu g sayang n adore so much. 6 bulan djakarta masih ga cukup buat g feel like i'm home. mreka yg dulu jadi tmpat naro cerita jadi orang2 yang sekarang g hindarin. kata2 nandis yg dl g pegang sering jadi kumpulan kata2 yang g acuhin. janji2 yg g buat ma nandis, stella, yuni, ayung, n diri g sendiri banyakkali jadi janji2 basi yg sering ga kerealisasi.
apa ini yg bikin g nyaman ngabisin puluhan menit cuma u/ ngobrol with a stranger dibanding ngabisin bebrapa waktu ma mereka yg dulu bareng mereka g suka bgadang nyusurin jalan2 jakarta hunting makanan?
apa ini yang jadi alesan sempurna knapa g lebih suka dial ke nomor yang hnya baru g knal sebulanan ini dibanding men'dial nomor mereka yang g apal diluar kpala??
apa ini knapa g lebih milih u/ pour n share things with a stranger--a stranger who now i feel like someone i really know n care--dibanding ma mereka yg pendapat n isi hatinya g cari??
ga nyamannya g dengan komunitaskah yang bikin g ignore fakta bahwa nDuT lagi dijakarta, n bahkan g ga niat nawarin waktu u/ skedar ktemu bentar??
ignore fakta gimana belasan malem dia nemenin nongkrong dipinggir senggigi cuma untuk ngopi ngemie n ngbrol ga jelas mpe subuh2??
ini pcakapan via sms 2 days b4 christmas:
nDuT: nast, g dah dijakarta.
g : *stlah 2jam'an* welcome to the crowded jakarta ya!!
nDuT: nast, r u okey?
g : iya'lah, mang np?
nDuT: gak np2
g : once again, welcome to jakarta!
nDuT: gt y
that's it, i didnt n dont even want to reply or do anything with the fact that he is here, in the same geographical location with me. just dont feel comfort n eager to do so.
sorry guys, i'm sorry, i just dont feel like spending times with u.
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry *taken from Fergie's*
it may just be a pseudo thing, i know. i know that it may not last. i know that it may be pathetic to feel this way.
or, it may not?? or is it just an escape from reality like i used to say...
tapi, kalo g mau reality g Je, it means that i'm escaping from You, Je. n i dont want to escape from You. i still want to be found in You, Je...
the point is, aku masih mau ditemukan dalamMU, Je.
I in YOU
gerak, keputusan, dan pilihan2ku,
nada dan suaraku,
seluruh keberadaan'ku... biar ditemukan didalamMu,
I'm coming back to the heart of worship,
it's all about You, it's all about You, Jesus,
I'm sorry Lord, for the things i made,
it's all about You, it's all about You, Jesus..."heart of worship" by.M.W.Smith
gerak, keputusan, dan pilihan2ku,
nada dan suaraku,
seluruh keberadaan'ku... biar ditemukan didalamMu,
I'm coming back to the heart of worship,
it's all about You, it's all about You, Jesus,
I'm sorry Lord, for the things i made,
it's all about You, it's all about You, Jesus..."heart of worship" by.M.W.Smith
please use ur senses :-)
jangan pcaya kata2 yang keluar dari mulut g...
sering kali i dont mean them--
jangan pcaya expresi g...
sering kali i fake them--
jangan pcaya nada dan intonasi yang mengalun dari suara g...
sering kali i just make them up---
pcaya g dengan hati lo,
lihat expresi g dengan indra rasa lo,
dengar g dengan jiwa lo,
then, maybe... just maybe...
lo bisa lihat the real me...
sering kali i dont mean them--
jangan pcaya expresi g...
sering kali i fake them--
jangan pcaya nada dan intonasi yang mengalun dari suara g...
sering kali i just make them up---
pcaya g dengan hati lo,
lihat expresi g dengan indra rasa lo,
dengar g dengan jiwa lo,
then, maybe... just maybe...
lo bisa lihat the real me...
back to 2005
iseng g baca2 lagi blog g di friendster, n nemuin tulisan ini:
*created on 31th October'05*
yahoo net cafe @ blakang mataram mall...
today, i practically have nothing special to do, except ikutan komsel pemuda gabungan @ 7p.m di ruko. so, here i am, checking emails...menghabiskan banyak waktu ngider2 d mal sini bikin g rada takjub gimana antu'ny masyarakat mataram--terutama yang muda2--u/ rame2 latah 'menghias diri' untuk bisa skedar gaya di hari lebaran. hampir smua shopping sites rame...ngebludak...mal yang notabene ga tlalu gede jadi makin mirip pasar impres. g phatiin, slaen toko2 baju, tempat nomor dua yang paling banyak diserbu adalah gerai2 handphone. kalau liat gaya parahnya gaya konsumtif mereka, rasanya ga percaya kalo dibilang indonesia lagi ngalamin krisis kemiskinan nasional. fyi, ga cuma mereka yang memang tinggal di mataram, ampenan, or cakra aj yang niat belanja2. mereka yang tinggal jauh dari kota--dari lombok tengah, barat, dan sgla penjuru--rame2 nyusrek ngubrek k sini.
pagi tadi, g sempet denger'in interview aa.gym tentang overacting. well, g rasa tingkat kegairahan kebanyakan orang untuk mnyambut dan mrayakan hari kemenangan Muslim ini dah bisa masuk dalam definisi overacting. gimana ga???? hanya untuk keliatan gaya, modis, mampu, n tajir mereka bela2in nguras dompet mereka untuk sesuatu yg mungkin mereka ga perluin. g jadi miris ngeliat dah jauhnya bergeser makna idul fitri yg sebenernya...jadi inget lagu enno lerian jaman dia mungil dulu:
"sepatu baru--alhamdullilah, tuk dipakai dihari raya, ga punya pun ga ap-ap, masih ada spatu yang lama...buat apa pesta2, kalau gagal puasanya, yang penting imannya pada Allah"...well, kurang lebih gitu d lagunya, rada ga inget lagi :)
g pikir, nabi Muhamad bisa uring2an di alamnya dia skarang kalo dia liat gaya para pengikutnya...sama kaya gemes and mirisnya Yesus tiap bulan Desember saat Dia liat pengikutNya lebih mentingin tatanan dandanan fisik, cari berbagai kartu2 lucu, ngabisin banyak waktu pilah-pilih ornamen pohon natal, dan sgala tetek bengek ga penting laennya, dibandingin sibuk n concern'nya mereka mnata hati dan milih respon n sikap hati yang bener untuk jadi ornamen hati.
Merry Early Xmas :)
2 taon stelah g nulis ini, g jd brasa sedih. see, g ga punya sikap hati yg sama yg Je temuin 2 taon lalu.
natal taon ini, g jadi neeta yg ky 'dead man walking'. my body is alive but my soul n spirit is dying down there... it's not that i havent done anything to make it better, it's just that i havent really done it passionately.
i wish things had been different. wish i could erase and skip Your process in me as along the process i've just become such a loser. i knew and still know that these things are good for me in being strong in You, i just sometimes wish that You are not that serious :-0
see, i still find me running away. i still find me not okey in heart n soul department. i still find me not making good right truthful decisions n actions, i still am struggling to follow You...
i learn, though, that these days, my relationship with You is not based merely on feelings and naive emotion. it's more based on my decisions. seems like the days when You can be felt emotionally is over, here comes the moments n level when it is my decision to love You -- not just that i feel i love You.
let my love is shown through my actions... let me speak my love out in my real action, JE...
*created on 31th October'05*
yahoo net cafe @ blakang mataram mall...
today, i practically have nothing special to do, except ikutan komsel pemuda gabungan @ 7p.m di ruko. so, here i am, checking emails...menghabiskan banyak waktu ngider2 d mal sini bikin g rada takjub gimana antu'ny masyarakat mataram--terutama yang muda2--u/ rame2 latah 'menghias diri' untuk bisa skedar gaya di hari lebaran. hampir smua shopping sites rame...ngebludak...mal yang notabene ga tlalu gede jadi makin mirip pasar impres. g phatiin, slaen toko2 baju, tempat nomor dua yang paling banyak diserbu adalah gerai2 handphone. kalau liat gaya parahnya gaya konsumtif mereka, rasanya ga percaya kalo dibilang indonesia lagi ngalamin krisis kemiskinan nasional. fyi, ga cuma mereka yang memang tinggal di mataram, ampenan, or cakra aj yang niat belanja2. mereka yang tinggal jauh dari kota--dari lombok tengah, barat, dan sgla penjuru--rame2 nyusrek ngubrek k sini.
pagi tadi, g sempet denger'in interview aa.gym tentang overacting. well, g rasa tingkat kegairahan kebanyakan orang untuk mnyambut dan mrayakan hari kemenangan Muslim ini dah bisa masuk dalam definisi overacting. gimana ga???? hanya untuk keliatan gaya, modis, mampu, n tajir mereka bela2in nguras dompet mereka untuk sesuatu yg mungkin mereka ga perluin. g jadi miris ngeliat dah jauhnya bergeser makna idul fitri yg sebenernya...jadi inget lagu enno lerian jaman dia mungil dulu:
"sepatu baru--alhamdullilah, tuk dipakai dihari raya, ga punya pun ga ap-ap, masih ada spatu yang lama...buat apa pesta2, kalau gagal puasanya, yang penting imannya pada Allah"...well, kurang lebih gitu d lagunya, rada ga inget lagi :)
g pikir, nabi Muhamad bisa uring2an di alamnya dia skarang kalo dia liat gaya para pengikutnya...sama kaya gemes and mirisnya Yesus tiap bulan Desember saat Dia liat pengikutNya lebih mentingin tatanan dandanan fisik, cari berbagai kartu2 lucu, ngabisin banyak waktu pilah-pilih ornamen pohon natal, dan sgala tetek bengek ga penting laennya, dibandingin sibuk n concern'nya mereka mnata hati dan milih respon n sikap hati yang bener untuk jadi ornamen hati.
Merry Early Xmas :)
2 taon stelah g nulis ini, g jd brasa sedih. see, g ga punya sikap hati yg sama yg Je temuin 2 taon lalu.
natal taon ini, g jadi neeta yg ky 'dead man walking'. my body is alive but my soul n spirit is dying down there... it's not that i havent done anything to make it better, it's just that i havent really done it passionately.
i wish things had been different. wish i could erase and skip Your process in me as along the process i've just become such a loser. i knew and still know that these things are good for me in being strong in You, i just sometimes wish that You are not that serious :-0
see, i still find me running away. i still find me not okey in heart n soul department. i still find me not making good right truthful decisions n actions, i still am struggling to follow You...
i learn, though, that these days, my relationship with You is not based merely on feelings and naive emotion. it's more based on my decisions. seems like the days when You can be felt emotionally is over, here comes the moments n level when it is my decision to love You -- not just that i feel i love You.
let my love is shown through my actions... let me speak my love out in my real action, JE...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
translation project
have been working on the cellphone translation since wednesday.
the effect of lack of sleep is that i've been so sensitive n easy to get pissed off. one nite, dede called i just got irritated n blew things to him. SORRY!!!
i've just sent the last revision (i really hope i dont have to make another revision) n i really cross my fingers that mr.zenko will approve it.
*smile* thank goodness i've done it!!!
*smile* it's great to have u on line with me,De!!!
the effect of lack of sleep is that i've been so sensitive n easy to get pissed off. one nite, dede called i just got irritated n blew things to him. SORRY!!!
i've just sent the last revision (i really hope i dont have to make another revision) n i really cross my fingers that mr.zenko will approve it.
*smile* thank goodness i've done it!!!
*smile* it's great to have u on line with me,De!!!
mati gaya..
mati rasa..
coz... those unprofessional people in RIEC are so annoyingly late to pay my rights!!!!
mati gaya..
mati rasa..
coz... those unprofessional people in RIEC are so annoyingly late to pay my rights!!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Each of us has only one soul to fix ...
Each of us has only one heart to heal ...
Each of us has only one head to clear ... our own.
But we need all of us.
Without one, there is disorder ...
Without one, there is imperfection ...
Without one, there is a hole in harmony ... no whole.
It is all very simple.
We all matter.

"Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude."
"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
"Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you."
"We are injured and hurt emotionally, not so much by other people or what they say and don't say, but by our own attitude and our own response." - Maxwell Maltz
"Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family." - Virginia Satir
the steps of comin back to Your tracks
Monday, December 10, 2007
funny stuff
well, i've ever read this interesting job vacancy in Kompas for doing data entry... it turned out that it was just this fake ad. for ppl to get involved w/ stock market. i made a phone call, though, and made an appointment as well [f.y.i. the company named Graha Venesha is located at BNI46]..
later on, i just felt not peaceful with this thing and called it off when the company's staff phoned me back for reconfirmation.
i always believe that it's always a great thing to follow ur heart. well, the same thing for this case. kstella n evan also experienced the same thing. evan even had already come n done some trainings it conducted. for me, bagus g ga kepo dateng n buang2 waktu n ongkos hehehehe
hohoho christmas is just right on the corner, guys

on sunday, joghin called from bogor as he was trying to find a christmas card with a pic of santa claus+reinders for his church painting projects.
it's funny how it seems like it's not like christmas seasons and receiving his call kinda reminded me that... HEI... it's christmas people!!!!!!!!
7 hours before the call, even when tongkee asked me to see the christmas tree she has set in the living room, i still found it hard to grasp that this is the season of christmas.
the questions are: WHY... WHY... WHY do i feel that way???
well, i guess it's because it's quite hot here... yeah.. just blame it on the weather!!! mmmmhhh, beside that, i think it's me who spiritually is not that okey... see, i hate the fact that it takes quite long for me to heal the pain, to be totally free in Your unconditional love, to be really ME in YOU.
last saturday, i happened to talk to nandis as he checked things out of me. he still could tell that i'm still not that okey... that i'm still quite a wreck deep inside.

this morning, i confess again, that I am YOURs, that i am willing to be go back to the last momment--the last track i left you and start from there again. well, i'm sorry for running n thanks for chasing me out with all the best effort U have. realizing that i just dont deserve it makes me realize once again, that YOUR love is not based in what i did/am doing/do/will be doing... it's simply as YOU've decided to do so.. J'taime Je :-)
new years is also right there on the corner, JE... i'm ready to have another journey in the chapter called 2008 with You...
Saturday, December 08, 2007
meet my pocarisweat brother named joghin

he's been a company --great refreshing company indeed!!-- to kill many insomnia nites lately :-)
edited version: 12/12/07 @ 09:45a.m.
pocarisweat brother = for the fact that he's always successfull in refreshing me up nomatter whatever situation i'm in --sleepy, moody, tired, whatever.
like this morning. i woke up at 5a.m with his sms sent at around midnit in my inbox asking if he might call me. well, guess what, he was still alert when i replied "-) whatta great way to begin my day!!! hehehe
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
joghin's poem
Sunday, December 02, 2007
traveling light

i'm not the kind of person who is able to travel lightly. not a practical person at all.
just see the contains of my traveling bag, for example :-)
lots of useless things i bring just for the sake to be ready for anything.
well, hopefully, in the trip called life, i might be able to travel light. i desire to be able to travel without bags of sorrow, hatred, dissapointment, failures, loneliness, and other baggage i dont need to take in this life trip.
help me to be able to travel light, for YOUR sake, for my sake, JE.,,
still, crunchies from back then...
meet petey
the small operation with Lia --back long time ago
and that's how the story goes:
just when i got back from lombok, i had this annoying painful bump right in my right feet. it was so very tiny when i was in mataram, yet it got bigger n bigger since then until here in jakarta.

the annoying thing i have to get rid of

aaaarrrrggggrrrhhhhh, it's painful!!!!!!!

the medical doctor :-)
and that's how the story ends :-)
i live mylife again free from any bumps
just when i got back from lombok, i had this annoying painful bump right in my right feet. it was so very tiny when i was in mataram, yet it got bigger n bigger since then until here in jakarta.
the annoying thing i have to get rid of
aaaarrrrggggrrrhhhhh, it's painful!!!!!!!
the medical doctor :-)
and that's how the story ends :-)
i live mylife again free from any bumps
Saturday, December 01, 2007
am i living in my vision... or am i just living in self denial???

found this pic while browsing 4 some info 4 the presentation next friday.
well, it kinda reminds me of what i want.
the desire to pursue what U put in my cracked heart.
when U look down into my heart, i still want U find that the dream U've placed long time ago is still there.
to be honest, i havent really given a thought about it these days.
it's more like something unreal. something i once had, but only in pseudo realism.
HIV/aids day

today is internationally HIV-Aids day.
i just overheard this news while i was getting ready to go here:
on metro TV: "some students n young ppl are gathering around the HI area spreading n giving hiv-aids red ribbon n condoms to drivers, passerby, etc."
well, i cant help but think that it is a promotion to free-sex life style, isnt it??
i mean, spreading n giving condoms away to ppl doesnt necessaraly stop the what-seems-unstoppable growth of hiv/aids, rite??? or am i wrong???
give my stamina back again, will YOU?!
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