Monday, February 25, 2008
blog dalam bahasa indo
g lagi terkagum2 (lagi) sama indahnya bhasa indonesia. bahasa indonesia tuh kaya bnget ma ekspresi2 yang bikin g suka termingkem2. hehehe
well, g coba tulis blog dalam bahasa indo ya... mungkin masih campur2 inggris, a little :-)
well, g coba tulis blog dalam bahasa indo ya... mungkin masih campur2 inggris, a little :-)
Sunday, 24 February, 2008 at 09:02 p.m.
Minggu hari ini
G brasa ga jadi manusia. Satu2nya yang mengingatkan bahwa g masih manusia adalah bahwa g masih merasa. Walopun hari ini perasaan2 dan emosi2 yang g punya hampir smuanya negatif, at least g masih bisa merasa. Satu kata yang cocok untuk menggambarkan warna hati g adalah burek. Burek sperti campuran tanah yang sudah terinjak2 puluhan jejak spatu kotor bercampur air hujan. Yup, burek as like that.
Masih merupakan suatu hal yang menjengkelkan untuk menemukan suasana hati g bisa swift ke arah yang berbeda, ke mood yang sangat berlawanan, hanya dalam hitungan beberapa jam. Sabtu kemaren, g masih jadi manusia yang nikmati stiap moment bersosialisasi. Walo settingnya di rumah duka kung2 echi di gatot subroto, ttep g nikmatin fakta g bsosialisasi ma orang2 yang blakangan g hindari.
Itu kemaren.
Hari ini, g jadi sperti manusia yang khilangan charge batre.
Tergoda u/ menyalahkan kondisi finansial g yang hampir bangkrut, menyalahkan kepala g yang lagi gampang pusing n kekurangan oksigen, menyalahkan temperamen satu orang rumah yang lagi brengsek, cuaca yang ga jelas, acara TV yang ga da yang bagus, khidupan sosial g yang sama ga jelasnya dengan cuaca jakarta blakangan, kosongnya kotak inbox yang seakan jadi parameter ga jelasnya khidupan sosial g, dll.
Semua hal diatas tadi bukan penyebab low’nya g hari ini. Penyebab utama dropnya mood g hari ini, g sadar, adalah karena g ga mulai hari dengan benar. Saat teduh seakan jadi formalitas u/ memulai hari. Bukan jadi hal yang menyenangkan. Sempet mikir “g butuh gitar u/ sate”. Tapi bukan itu, g ga butuh alat musik apapun. Yang g butuhin adalah rasa lapar dan haus dateng ma Dia. Biarkan Dia isi kekosongan hati n jiwa g.
G masih bgantung ma hal2 di luar g. Bergantung sama manusia untuk buat g brasa jadi manusia.
Bergantung sama inbox nokia g untuk buat g brasa g manusia sosial yang exist.
Bergantung sama keuangan g u/ buat g mrasa jadi manusia yang sukses materially.
Bergantung sama baju2 dan sgala pernak/ik yang bisa g pake u/ buat g brasa jadi manusia yang punya fashion statement -- Manusia yang penuh, wanita yang seutuhnya.
In my attempt to be (in my opinion) whole, g mulai ngebanding2in diri g ma sederetan para wanita lain. G mulai menginginkan apa yang mereka punya, dan yang g punya. G mulai berharap g bisa punya tombol special yang bisa buat g ganti plot n naskah hidup g, ganti para pemain pendukung dan pemain figuran dan setting hidup g. G mulai ga melihat bahwa g adalah g yang unik dan ga da yang kaya g. G mulai ga mensyukuri apa yang Dia kasih k g. Dengan keras kepala, g masih sedikit berharap I wish I were someone else but me. Selain mulai ngebanding2ini diri g n wish I were someone else, g masih temuin diri g ada dalam lingkaran kebohongan yang g ciptain. Mata rantainya gitu, I wish I were someone else n I’ve been starting to live in lies I created to make me feel that I’m someone else. Pathetic, I know. Really pathetic!!!! Topeng2 g tsimpan rapi di tas kasat mata g.
Topeng profesionalisme untuk di kantor.
Topeng rohani di aktifitas kerohanian.
Topeng liar dan brengsek untuk orang dan nomor2 tertentu.
Je, please let me be me in You. Aku cape ma hidupku, dan kembali aku serahin balik naskah n plotku ke Engkau sbagai sutradara dan penulis hidupku ya.
G brasa ga jadi manusia. Satu2nya yang mengingatkan bahwa g masih manusia adalah bahwa g masih merasa. Walopun hari ini perasaan2 dan emosi2 yang g punya hampir smuanya negatif, at least g masih bisa merasa. Satu kata yang cocok untuk menggambarkan warna hati g adalah burek. Burek sperti campuran tanah yang sudah terinjak2 puluhan jejak spatu kotor bercampur air hujan. Yup, burek as like that.
Masih merupakan suatu hal yang menjengkelkan untuk menemukan suasana hati g bisa swift ke arah yang berbeda, ke mood yang sangat berlawanan, hanya dalam hitungan beberapa jam. Sabtu kemaren, g masih jadi manusia yang nikmati stiap moment bersosialisasi. Walo settingnya di rumah duka kung2 echi di gatot subroto, ttep g nikmatin fakta g bsosialisasi ma orang2 yang blakangan g hindari.
Itu kemaren.
Hari ini, g jadi sperti manusia yang khilangan charge batre.
Tergoda u/ menyalahkan kondisi finansial g yang hampir bangkrut, menyalahkan kepala g yang lagi gampang pusing n kekurangan oksigen, menyalahkan temperamen satu orang rumah yang lagi brengsek, cuaca yang ga jelas, acara TV yang ga da yang bagus, khidupan sosial g yang sama ga jelasnya dengan cuaca jakarta blakangan, kosongnya kotak inbox yang seakan jadi parameter ga jelasnya khidupan sosial g, dll.
Semua hal diatas tadi bukan penyebab low’nya g hari ini. Penyebab utama dropnya mood g hari ini, g sadar, adalah karena g ga mulai hari dengan benar. Saat teduh seakan jadi formalitas u/ memulai hari. Bukan jadi hal yang menyenangkan. Sempet mikir “g butuh gitar u/ sate”. Tapi bukan itu, g ga butuh alat musik apapun. Yang g butuhin adalah rasa lapar dan haus dateng ma Dia. Biarkan Dia isi kekosongan hati n jiwa g.
G masih bgantung ma hal2 di luar g. Bergantung sama manusia untuk buat g brasa jadi manusia.
Bergantung sama inbox nokia g untuk buat g brasa g manusia sosial yang exist.
Bergantung sama keuangan g u/ buat g mrasa jadi manusia yang sukses materially.
Bergantung sama baju2 dan sgala pernak/ik yang bisa g pake u/ buat g brasa jadi manusia yang punya fashion statement -- Manusia yang penuh, wanita yang seutuhnya.
In my attempt to be (in my opinion) whole, g mulai ngebanding2in diri g ma sederetan para wanita lain. G mulai menginginkan apa yang mereka punya, dan yang g punya. G mulai berharap g bisa punya tombol special yang bisa buat g ganti plot n naskah hidup g, ganti para pemain pendukung dan pemain figuran dan setting hidup g. G mulai ga melihat bahwa g adalah g yang unik dan ga da yang kaya g. G mulai ga mensyukuri apa yang Dia kasih k g. Dengan keras kepala, g masih sedikit berharap I wish I were someone else but me. Selain mulai ngebanding2ini diri g n wish I were someone else, g masih temuin diri g ada dalam lingkaran kebohongan yang g ciptain. Mata rantainya gitu, I wish I were someone else n I’ve been starting to live in lies I created to make me feel that I’m someone else. Pathetic, I know. Really pathetic!!!! Topeng2 g tsimpan rapi di tas kasat mata g.
Topeng profesionalisme untuk di kantor.
Topeng rohani di aktifitas kerohanian.
Topeng liar dan brengsek untuk orang dan nomor2 tertentu.
Je, please let me be me in You. Aku cape ma hidupku, dan kembali aku serahin balik naskah n plotku ke Engkau sbagai sutradara dan penulis hidupku ya.
Monday, February 18, 2008
get in the shift with k'pol
while doing zenko's translation project, kp called to join her learning to drive. well, it's such a great xcuse just to get my butt out of the chair n get some refreshing time!!!! note: i've not met my bed for almost 24 hours

edoy, the instructor
kp, the learner
enjoying the ride... ga jauh2, kdaerah2 gading jg.. smpet k sports mall pula.. pheewwww poca is rite, g cm bisa gaul di gading ja hehehe
note: tanggal n time di fotonya salah tuh... maklum lupa di set ulang time tag'nya...

enjoying the ride... ga jauh2, kdaerah2 gading jg.. smpet k sports mall pula.. pheewwww poca is rite, g cm bisa gaul di gading ja hehehe
note: tanggal n time di fotonya salah tuh... maklum lupa di set ulang time tag'nya...
from the street
without a really heavy ad., bjork was scheduled to have a live concert on 12th february. well, for me, bjork is an undoubtedly superb genius artist.
love her music!!!

yellow n orange!!!! just a perfect colour combination for street sign. talk about how i am crazy with these two colours hehehe
having these rite in crowded messy dempet area is like having a sunflower plant among bushes. too lebay, huh??
Monday, February 11, 2008
FRIday o1.o2.o8
Saturday, February 09, 2008
snapshots of o1FeB'o8

sometimes ago, when i was walking under my (doubted creation called) umbrella *as it has the name umbrella, yet, it doesnt look like one, i kinda thinking that january is sposed to be rainy session n i was kinda upset that it had been so annoyingly dry n super hot those days.
and, here it came, at the very early start of february... the rain came down like an answered prayer.
i was kinda smiling telling you: "hei, dont take my prayer that seriously" hehehe :-)
FYI, it was raining like crazy one whole day. n jakarta -- not suprisingly-- was flooded up bad. traffic was like everywhere. i still managed to go to gading that day. well, that was a good decision to go out under the storm like that as i was able to see the flooded sunter.
i'll download some snapshots i make rite on that day later. gtg.
Monday, February 04, 2008
more of the personality test
INFP - The "Dreamer" Myers-Briggs Personality Types (Free Test)
INFPs are introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic individuals that have a constant desire to be on a meaningful path. They are driven by their values and seek peace. Empathetic and compassionate, they want to help others and humanity as a whole. INFPs are imaginitive, artistic and often have a talent for language and writing. They can also be described as easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal.
NF (Visionary)
INFP Population
Total: 2%
Male: 1.5%
Female: 2.5%
Primary Function
Introverted Feeling
Secondary Function
Extraverted Intuition
Tertiary Function
Introverted Sensing
Least Function
Extraverted Thinking
About the INFP Expert Quotes & Links
"To understand Healers, we must understand their idealism as almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in. The Healer is the Prince or Princess of fairytale, the King's Champion or Defender of the Faith..."
- The Portrait of a Healer Idealist (Keirsey)
"INFPs are highly intuitive about people. They rely heavily on their intuitions to guide them, and use their discoveries to constantly search for value in life. They are on a continuous mission to find the truth and meaning underlying things. Every encounter and every piece of knowledge gained gets sifted through the INFP's value system, and is evaluated to see if it has any potential to help the INFP define or refine their own path in life."
- Portrait of an INFP (The Personality Page)
"creative, smart, idealist, loner, attracted to sad things, disorganized, avoidant, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings..."
- INFP Jung Type Descriptions (
"An INFP's feelings form the foundations of the individual. They are sacred and binding, in the sense that their emergence requires no further justification. An INFP's feelings are often guarded, kept safe from attack and ridicule. Only a few, close confidants are permitted entrance into this domain."
- INFP Profile (INFP Mailing List)
"Highly creative, artistic and spiritual, they can produce wonderful works of art, music and literature. INFPs are natural artists. They will find great satisfaction if they encourage and develop their artistic abilities. That doesn't mean that an INFP has to be a famous writer or painter in order to be content. Simply the act of "creating" will be a fulfilling source of renewal and refreshment to the INFP. An INFP should allow himself or herself some artistic outlet, because it will add enrichment and positive energy to their life."
- INFP Personal Growth (The Personality Page)
"INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glassworld where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities."
- INFP Profile (TypeLogic)
"Their job must be fun, although not racous, and it must be meaningful to them. They need a strong purpose in their work. They want to be recognized and valued, without undue attention given to them. They may become embarrassed when make the center of attention. As a result, they may undersell their strengths in order to avoid being singled out and made to feel conspicuous. They would rather have their worth be noticed gradually over time."
- INFP - The Dreamer (Lifexplore)
Famous INFPs; Real INFP People
A. A. Milne - author (Winnie the Pooh)
Albert Schweitzer - theologian, musician, physician
Aldous Huxley - English author
Amy Tan - author (The Joy-Luck Club)
Annie Dillard - author (Pilgrim at Tinker Creek)
Audrey Hepburn - actress (Breakfast at Tiffany's)
Dick Clark - television personality
Donna Reed - acress
Fred Rogers - Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Fred Savage - actor (The Wonder Years)
George Orwell - author, journalist
Helen Keller - deaf/blind author, activist, lecturer
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - American poet
Isabel Myers - psychological theorist
J. R. R. Tolkien - writer (Lord of the Rings)
James Herriot - veterinary surgeon, writer
James Taylor - singer-songwriter, guitarist
John - Disciple of Jesus
John F. Kennedy, Jr. - lawyer, journalist, publisher
Laura Ingalls Wilder - author (Little House on the Prairie)
Lisa Kudrow - actress ("Phoebe" on Friends)
Luke - physician, author
Mary - Mother of Jesus
Mia Farrow - actress
Neil Diamond - musician
Peter Jackson - filmmaker (Lord of the Rings
Princess Diana - Princess of Wales
Scott Bakula - actor (Start Trek Enterprise)
Tom Brokaw - television journalist
Virgil - ancient Roman poet
William Shakespeare - English poet and playwright
Fictional INFPs (Characters)
Anne - Anne of Green Gables
Bastian Balthazar Bux - The Neverending Story
Calvin - Calvin and Hobbes
Deanna Troi - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Doctor Julian Bashir - Star Trek: Deep Space 9
Doug Funnie - Doug cartoon
E.T. - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Fox Mulder - X-Files
Rocko - Rocko's Modern Life
Tommy Pickles - Rugrats
Wesley Crusher - Star Trek: The Next Generation
INFPs are introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic individuals that have a constant desire to be on a meaningful path. They are driven by their values and seek peace. Empathetic and compassionate, they want to help others and humanity as a whole. INFPs are imaginitive, artistic and often have a talent for language and writing. They can also be described as easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal.
NF (Visionary)
INFP Population
Total: 2%
Male: 1.5%
Female: 2.5%
Primary Function
Introverted Feeling
Secondary Function
Extraverted Intuition
Tertiary Function
Introverted Sensing
Least Function
Extraverted Thinking
About the INFP Expert Quotes & Links
"To understand Healers, we must understand their idealism as almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in. The Healer is the Prince or Princess of fairytale, the King's Champion or Defender of the Faith..."
- The Portrait of a Healer Idealist (Keirsey)
"INFPs are highly intuitive about people. They rely heavily on their intuitions to guide them, and use their discoveries to constantly search for value in life. They are on a continuous mission to find the truth and meaning underlying things. Every encounter and every piece of knowledge gained gets sifted through the INFP's value system, and is evaluated to see if it has any potential to help the INFP define or refine their own path in life."
- Portrait of an INFP (The Personality Page)
"creative, smart, idealist, loner, attracted to sad things, disorganized, avoidant, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings..."
- INFP Jung Type Descriptions (
"An INFP's feelings form the foundations of the individual. They are sacred and binding, in the sense that their emergence requires no further justification. An INFP's feelings are often guarded, kept safe from attack and ridicule. Only a few, close confidants are permitted entrance into this domain."
- INFP Profile (INFP Mailing List)
"Highly creative, artistic and spiritual, they can produce wonderful works of art, music and literature. INFPs are natural artists. They will find great satisfaction if they encourage and develop their artistic abilities. That doesn't mean that an INFP has to be a famous writer or painter in order to be content. Simply the act of "creating" will be a fulfilling source of renewal and refreshment to the INFP. An INFP should allow himself or herself some artistic outlet, because it will add enrichment and positive energy to their life."
- INFP Personal Growth (The Personality Page)
"INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glassworld where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities."
- INFP Profile (TypeLogic)
"Their job must be fun, although not racous, and it must be meaningful to them. They need a strong purpose in their work. They want to be recognized and valued, without undue attention given to them. They may become embarrassed when make the center of attention. As a result, they may undersell their strengths in order to avoid being singled out and made to feel conspicuous. They would rather have their worth be noticed gradually over time."
- INFP - The Dreamer (Lifexplore)
Famous INFPs; Real INFP People
A. A. Milne - author (Winnie the Pooh)
Albert Schweitzer - theologian, musician, physician
Aldous Huxley - English author
Amy Tan - author (The Joy-Luck Club)
Annie Dillard - author (Pilgrim at Tinker Creek)
Audrey Hepburn - actress (Breakfast at Tiffany's)
Dick Clark - television personality
Donna Reed - acress
Fred Rogers - Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Fred Savage - actor (The Wonder Years)
George Orwell - author, journalist
Helen Keller - deaf/blind author, activist, lecturer
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - American poet
Isabel Myers - psychological theorist
J. R. R. Tolkien - writer (Lord of the Rings)
James Herriot - veterinary surgeon, writer
James Taylor - singer-songwriter, guitarist
John - Disciple of Jesus
John F. Kennedy, Jr. - lawyer, journalist, publisher
Laura Ingalls Wilder - author (Little House on the Prairie)
Lisa Kudrow - actress ("Phoebe" on Friends)
Luke - physician, author
Mary - Mother of Jesus
Mia Farrow - actress
Neil Diamond - musician
Peter Jackson - filmmaker (Lord of the Rings
Princess Diana - Princess of Wales
Scott Bakula - actor (Start Trek Enterprise)
Tom Brokaw - television journalist
Virgil - ancient Roman poet
William Shakespeare - English poet and playwright
Fictional INFPs (Characters)
Anne - Anne of Green Gables
Bastian Balthazar Bux - The Neverending Story
Calvin - Calvin and Hobbes
Deanna Troi - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Doctor Julian Bashir - Star Trek: Deep Space 9
Doug Funnie - Doug cartoon
E.T. - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Fox Mulder - X-Files
Rocko - Rocko's Modern Life
Tommy Pickles - Rugrats
Wesley Crusher - Star Trek: The Next Generation
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