Thursday, October 30, 2008
another translation project
a couple of days ago, mr.Zenko sent messages telling me that he had sent some emails for another translation projects.
My response was: YIHAAA!!!!!
see, i was n am in a huge need of some additional projects just for the sake for increasing my account (DUH??!!!). well, not like i'm bankrupt or in short at all... i have enough, actually.
it just that i am so enthusiastic to prepare things for going back to lombok and build this vision of educational youth centre. lots of things seem to be Your ways to burn more fire in my already burnt heart to go.
well, while typing the file i listened to this PlanetShaker song called sent me,
nuff said :-)
My response was: YIHAAA!!!!!
see, i was n am in a huge need of some additional projects just for the sake for increasing my account (DUH??!!!). well, not like i'm bankrupt or in short at all... i have enough, actually.
it just that i am so enthusiastic to prepare things for going back to lombok and build this vision of educational youth centre. lots of things seem to be Your ways to burn more fire in my already burnt heart to go.
well, while typing the file i listened to this PlanetShaker song called sent me,
nuff said :-)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Kita Tak Menari Bersama Lagi

hari ini, tariannya mganggu tarianku...
gerakan barunya mbuatku lakukan gerakan menjauh...
dia mengikuti alunan lagu yang tak seirama denganku...
dan aku biarkan dia menari tak lagi denganku

kucoba mengerti irama langkah kakinya...
dengan kaku aku sesaat mampu mengimbanginya...
sudah saatnya aku benar benar BIARKAN DIA MENARI TANPAKU
Saturday, October 25, 2008
UPdates... so far
ME: on the run... so far :-)
dah 2 pagi ini g bangun lagi with a smile on my face... a smile as i'm loved by Your unconditional love, Je... Je, thanks for Ur ur present, fire, n annointing. thank u for Ur voice in my heart, head, n soul. thank u for sharpening the big picture of what i'm doing at the moment, for letting me see those children i see n meet 9/5 at office, for helping me see them the way u do...
efek samping habis baca buku ini adalah: g brasa jenuh dengan monolog... g butuh dialog... dialog2 uplifting yang bisa buat g lihat hidup dengan lebih cerdas...
suasana kantor lagi panas... satu pagi on the way k kantor, pas lagi di fly over sunter, kpala g tiba2 memikirkan suatu tema kotbah ttng playanan bibir. playanan kata2. on that moment g mo jadi orang yang memadamkan bukan mengkompori...
banyak asumsi2 yang tercipta diantara kita dikantor n asumsi2 itu ga (tepatnya BELOM) dibicarakan... jadi gitu d, omongan2 ga membangun dan bernada negatif sering tercipta.
see, g brasanya bnyak ketidaksukaan dan ktidakpuasan yang tidak tersalurkan dari atas k bawah, dan gitu jg sbaliknya, dari bawah k atas. hasilny, bnyak orang yang pake topeng dikantor n it makes me feel uncomfortable lately...
g bdoa biar cepet rekonsiliasi, pemberesan, or whatever the name is so the spirit of unity is there again :-)
dipinjemin ms.rosa.
skali lagi, g disuguhi kata2 cerdas andrea yang bikin g melakukan perjalanan bersama seorang ikal dan arai... bersama mereka berdua, ditiap kata, kalimat, paragraph, dan bab khidupan mereka mnjalani pendidikan dengan keajaiban2 Ilahi, g juga bermimpi... bermimpi tntang suatu tmpat bernama GERUNG :-) You know what i mean, right, JE??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
g mau dialog, ghin... bukan monolog...


banyak asumsi2 yang tercipta diantara kita dikantor n asumsi2 itu ga (tepatnya BELOM) dibicarakan... jadi gitu d, omongan2 ga membangun dan bernada negatif sering tercipta.
see, g brasanya bnyak ketidaksukaan dan ktidakpuasan yang tidak tersalurkan dari atas k bawah, dan gitu jg sbaliknya, dari bawah k atas. hasilny, bnyak orang yang pake topeng dikantor n it makes me feel uncomfortable lately...
g bdoa biar cepet rekonsiliasi, pemberesan, or whatever the name is so the spirit of unity is there again :-)

skali lagi, g disuguhi kata2 cerdas andrea yang bikin g melakukan perjalanan bersama seorang ikal dan arai... bersama mereka berdua, ditiap kata, kalimat, paragraph, dan bab khidupan mereka mnjalani pendidikan dengan keajaiban2 Ilahi, g juga bermimpi... bermimpi tntang suatu tmpat bernama GERUNG :-) You know what i mean, right, JE??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008
FSNGJ (FridaySaturdayNiteGaJelas)
setting: ruang tunggu lantai dua RS.Mitra Keluarga Gading after office hour
Main characters: the owner of 021-9890**** & Anastneeta
Supporting characters: Yoland, Erwin, ,Ocha, Joseph, Renoy, Makmur, William, Deska, Echi, Depot, and others from Yoland's relatives
*** nomor esia yang sudah lama ga pnah muncul baik di inbox/call register tiba2 muncul...
*** (sharusnya ga g angkat) tp g angkat n mulai dibeberkanlah fakta bahwa the owner of 021-9890**** sedang akan menghabiskan akhir pekannya di kemayoran untuk sbuah liputan race...
*** sebuah kram otak dimulai sjak pmbicaraan ditelepon usai!!!!!
setting: KTC- TIM21 n TIM's terrace until 3 a.m
main characters: Anastneeta & JG
*** watched (again) LP...
*** spent hours just talk bout irrational n unimportant stuff just for the sake of killing the nite...
Note: i'm THankful that he spent the nite with me... thanks for being my safety net that helps me not to make something i know i will regret!!!
to JG:
g blm bilang lo, tp kata2 lo senada ma kata2 nandis siang sebelumnya... walopun di konteks yang beda--nandis bicara ttng konteks relationship, n lo komentarin lirik teks lagu Mr. Brightside... tentang "PAY THE PRICE"... I need to pay the price to get my life back into the right track again!
setting: ruang tunggu lantai dua RS.Mitra Keluarga Gading after office hour
Main characters: the owner of 021-9890**** & Anastneeta
Supporting characters: Yoland, Erwin, ,Ocha, Joseph, Renoy, Makmur, William, Deska, Echi, Depot, and others from Yoland's relatives
*** nomor esia yang sudah lama ga pnah muncul baik di inbox/call register tiba2 muncul...
*** (sharusnya ga g angkat) tp g angkat n mulai dibeberkanlah fakta bahwa the owner of 021-9890**** sedang akan menghabiskan akhir pekannya di kemayoran untuk sbuah liputan race...
*** sebuah kram otak dimulai sjak pmbicaraan ditelepon usai!!!!!
setting: KTC- TIM21 n TIM's terrace until 3 a.m
main characters: Anastneeta & JG
*** watched (again) LP...
*** spent hours just talk bout irrational n unimportant stuff just for the sake of killing the nite...
Note: i'm THankful that he spent the nite with me... thanks for being my safety net that helps me not to make something i know i will regret!!!
to JG:
g blm bilang lo, tp kata2 lo senada ma kata2 nandis siang sebelumnya... walopun di konteks yang beda--nandis bicara ttng konteks relationship, n lo komentarin lirik teks lagu Mr. Brightside... tentang "PAY THE PRICE"... I need to pay the price to get my life back into the right track again!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
ode to all my fav. hats

this week --stahun yang lalu
ode to "the plastic flat shoes" i once loved so much...


this pair of shoes was bought months ago in itc while i was going to meet DC there. they were so comfy that i almost wore them everywhere i go. even to enopi :-)
i dug them for their practical mode in almost every situations. i still could wear them through the annoying muddy sunter's streets :-P
well, they've just got useless 3months ago and were replaced by a pair of noche's and yongki's.
eniwei, i've been seeing mbak Narti (the OG in my office) wearing them. i've been asking her to get one pair for me, yet, it seems like they are not around in any stores now.
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